Sunday, September 20, 2009

I switched to Linux!

I've made the switch from Windows Vista to Ubuntu Linux 9.04 and havent looked back or used Windows for over a month and dont miss it at all. Ubuntu Linux 9.04 is an awesome free open source operating system. For most home users Ubuntu Linux will work right away and comes with most of the software they will need. Why give Microsoft more money for a bloated OS that crashes and needs a fully loaded state of the art computer to even run? I believe that the majority of the worlds computers will be running a free open source linux operating system in the near future. Think how much money the public schools and businesses could save by switching to linux. Using open source software is another way of taking back some of the control over your life. Linux is free, you never need to pay for upgrades or worry about activation codes or how many machines you can put your software on. Ubuntu Linux is an excellent version of linux and is easily installable by any computer user. See for yourself...and understand the concept of free as in freedom.
Download Ubuntu Linux here: